Wide angle shot of the Canton Symphony Orchestra performing Magico in 2023. Conducted by Matthew Jenkins Jaroszewicz.

Invest in your community.

Help us share the power of music through transformative performances, educational programming, and community engagement activities! You can become part of our CSO Family in many ways, but most notably by joining our Symphony Society of annual fund donors, giving through a corporate contribution, or supporting the legacy of the CSO through planned giving. 

How much does it cost?


to cover the cost of one child's participation in the Canton Youth Symphony program.


to cover the cost of one musician for one concert.


to cover the cost of printing and mailing postcards for one concert.


to cover the cost of producing one MasterWorks concert.

At Canton Symphony Orchestra, we rely on our dedicated donors to help us create, sustain, and grow our programs. When you make a gift to our annual fund, you are providing unrestricted operating support for our programs and access to exceptional orchestral music and arts education in our community.

Click here to learn more about the annual fund.

A planned gift to the Canton Symphony Orchestra is a wonderful way to show your support and appreciation for our work while accommodating your own personal philanthropic goals.

Click here to learn more about Planned Giving.

Every season, we count on our corporate sponsors to fuel our mission and support the incredible classic and contemporary music on our stage. There are many sponsorship opportunities available and corporate donors receive a variety of benefits that are customizable to meet your needs. 

Click here to learn more about corporate support.

Music Director Matthew Jenkins Jaroszewicz points to a comment bubble detailing that the Canton Symphony Orchestra only covers 1/5 of the cost to operate from earned revenue sources.

The Gerhardt Zimmermann Memorial Fund

In honor of our late and beloved Maestro Gerhardt Zimmermann, we are collecting funds to establish an endowment in his name. All donations are matched by the estate of William P. Blair, III.
Thomas White, bass

Endowing a chair is an opportunity to make a major contribution to the Symphony in perpetuity. Named Canton Symphony Chairs are listed in the program book within the orchestra roster for each performance.


Principal Bassoon: $70,000
Principal Trombone: $70,000
Principle Tuba: $70,000
Any Section Chair (58 available): $35,000

Contact Rachel Hagemeier at rhagemeier@cantonsymphony.org or
234-666-2703 for more info.

There are many ways to give!


Donating online is the most convenient and secure way to give. Click the button below to join our Symphony Society!


For this method, we recommend writing a check to the order of Canton Symphony Orchestra and mailing it in a secure envelope to:

Canton Symphony Orchestra
2331 17th St. NW
Door #25
Canton, OH 44708


Donor Advised Funds: Give through your established giving account.

Gift of Securities: Appreciated investments including stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit, and more.

IRA Distributions: If you are 70.5 years or older, we highly recommend this option!


Many employers offer matching contribution programs through their human resources department. You can double or sometimes triple your impact with this option!

Check with the HR department at your place of employment to learn if your company offers this benefit.