Annual Fund
Just like a beautifully composed symphony, the annual fund is meticulously crafted to ensure that every note resonates with impact.


It provides crucial financial support that enables the orchestra to fine-tune its performances, bring in world-class musicians, and engage in community programs. From the grand crescendos of the mainstage concerts to the subtle nuances of educational initiatives, the annual fund provides the necessary resources to keep the melody of the Canton Symphony Orchestra playing strong. Supporters of the annual fund are not mere spectators; they are active participants in the creation of a cultural masterpiece. Their contributions become the building blocks of a vibrant and flourishing musical landscape, fostering a sense of community and shared appreciation for the arts. At Canton Symphony Orchestra, we rely on our dedicated donors to help us create, sustain, and grow our programs. When you make a gift to our annual fund, you are providing unrestricted operating support for our programs and access to exceptional orchestral music and arts education in our community.

Ticket sales support only 1/5 of the total cost of our programming. The generosity of our donors keeps the music playing on stage.

The Symphony Society

Our individual donors who contribute to the CSO's annual fund receive benefits when their gift is $50 or more. All giving levels include the benefits listed in the level(s) before them.

Annual Fund Contributors

With deep appreciation, the Canton Symphony Orchestra wishes to thank the following individuals, families, and businesses for their commitment, generosity, and love of music. Their belief in the importance of the Canton Symphony Orchestra as a valued arts organization in Northeast Ohio will allow it to succeed well into the future.

Platinum Baton ($20,000+)

Employers Health
Larry & Nancy Hoover
The Hoover Foundation
The Ohio Arts Council
Bob Leibensperger
Darwin Steele
Visit Canton

Golden Baton ($10,000-$19,999)

Buckingham, Doolittle, & Burroughs, LLC
Gregory Industries
William & Pearl Lemmon
David Jones
The Henry & Louise Timken Foundation

Maestro's Circle ($2,500-$9,999)

Jan & Roger Baker
Linda & Leo Casey
Sandee & Kevin Dougherty
Fisher-Renkert Foundation
Brad & Sue Goris
Ted & Anne Jaroszewicz
KeyBank Foundation
Edmond & Donna Kort
Ralph & Joan Leidy

Linda Lindsay
Sharon Luntz

Gail & Joe Martino
Jeffrey Nowlin in memory of Barbara
Roger Ream, DDS
Rotary Clubs of Stark County
Rachel Schneider
Kenneth Shafer
Gary & Linda Sirak

Virtuoso Circle ($1,000-$2,499)

Douglas Anderson
The James V. and Velia Armogida Charitable Fund
David Bishop
Patricia A. Deems
Downtown Canton Partnership, Inc.
Joanna Escobar
Karen Essig
Friends of Stark Parks
Denny & Sherry Fulmer
Pat Gillespie
Jennifer & Patrick George
David Hartung
Joseph Jadick
Alison Jacob
Joe Knutson & Elizabeth Good Knutson

Michael & Judi Krew
Victor C. Laughlin, MD Memorial Foundation Trust
Fred & Nancy Linxweiler

Nancy Maddox
C. Massouh Printing Services
John Nolan
Phyllis Novy
Oelslager for Ohio Committee
Billy & Maurica Patterson
Daniel Porter & Cynthia Porter
Philip Smith
Charles & Hannelore Smith
Kathy Smithberger
Chris & Linda Snyder
Mary Lou Swan

Concerto Circle ($250-$999)

MJ & Pat Albacete
Emil & Kris Alecusan
Dr. Virginia D.N. Banks, M.D.
Barbara & Keith Bennett
Dr. & Mrs. N. Kent Berg
Richard & Susanne Campbell
Tom & Betsy Douce
George Downes Jr.
John & Marcella Emmons
John & Joan Ferris
James Fidler
Robin & David Gill
John Harris
Susan Haythorn
Robert Hecht
Elizabeth Keplinger
Mary R. Kocsis
Shirlee Krane

Jo Kula
Jonathan Lalewicz
Gene & Sally Little
Cyndy & Steve Lucas
Sue Mali
Neil Marks
Nancy McKnight
Bernard & Sally Miner
Linda and Jerry Norton
Joe & Carol Orin
Richard & Susan Pech
Naomi Powell
Thomas Preiss
Larry & Jean Richards
Seth Rosen
Denise A. Seachrist

Melissa Shiepis
Loren Souers
Jay Spencer
Nicoletta Stock
Ted & Linda Swaldo
Len & Barb Terlizzi
Eleanore & Eugene Wallace
Ronald Widner
John Willoughby
Bill Woodard
Rich & Candy Ziegler
Robin Zollinger

Prelude Circle ($50-$249)

Christne Allison
Kimberly & John Anthony
Mary Berginides-Athans
Bernadette & Thomas Bernabei
Scott & Laura Berkeley
Margie Blake
Pam & Lyle Blosser
Loretta Bower
Susan Bowling
Nancy Cindric
Judy Clegg
Shirley Columbo
Carl Courtney
Kathleen M. Cowgill
Carl & Janet Dazey
Cynthia Deliz
Andrew & Rebecca DiLiddo
Kayla DeVitto
Patty Dowd Schmitz
H.R. & Charlane M. Ellis
Mathew & Marcie Erickson
Mark Fetzer
James Fidler
Peggy Fitzmaurice
Joanne Fox
Kathryn Gerber
Rich Gilmore
Carol Groh

Theresa & Brian Haskins
Richard Heakin
Evelyn R. Hewett
Kathleen Fernandez Hillibish
William Hoppes
Chuck & Rosemarie Hoover
Victoria Kappes
William & Linda Kendrick
Charlie & MaryAnn Kiesling
Patricia Kroft
Paul Kohanski
Becky Koscso
William Lacy
Judith Libbey
Bruce Liliestedt
Connie & David Little
Kathryn Logue
Karen Loy
Karen S. Miller
Bernie & Sally Miner
Glen & Sandy Minner
Ray Morganstern
Peggy “Meg” Peretzky
Emil & Kathy Poporad
Bob Porter
Donna J. Reidhead
Robin Roskisky
Rosemary Rubin
Marlee Sabo & Stephen Colburn

Nancy A. Saulnier
Rob & Shelley Schweitzer
Mark Shengle
Marcia Short
Nancy Schoenbaum
Mary Ann Snyder
Pearl Southwell
Doug Stevens
The James H. & Cynthia Strouse Camp Family Advised Fund
Ted Swaldo
In Memoriam: Virginia Lee (Hisrich) Swinderman) by Bradley Swinderman
Avis Thrash
Rob Thompson
Brynn Thornberry, a member of the Children’s Symphony
Barrie & Marilyn Thorp
Beth Toalston
Ralph Toalston
Jim & Pat West
Richard & Susan Williams
Roger Werstler
LaMar and Karon Wyse
Ronald R. Young
John H. Ziegler
Janice Zopel