Canton Symphony Ambassadors

Introducing New Audiences

The purpose of this program is to introduce new patrons to the Canton Symphony Orchestra. Ambassadors, in exchange for tickets and invitations to special events, are tasked with inviting at least one person to every MasterWorks concert of the season. By doing so, we can work together as a team to slowly build an audience of excited, diverse, and invested constituents to ensure the continued success of the organization.
Does this sound like something you would be interested in doing? If so, please apply to become an ambassador using the form on this page.

Current CSO Ambassadors

Ron Ponder

Ron Ponder is a freelance consultant, former president of the Stark County branch NAACP and former guest columnist with The Canton Repository.

Patrick Wyatt, MAOL

Patrick Wyatt is the Co-Owner of Carpe Diem Coffee Shop in downtown Canton and board member of the Canton City Health Department.

Errick Freeman

Errick Freeman aka Pach Atomz is a local artist with international notoriety. He's also a father, and is regarded as a renaissance man. But in his words, he'll tell you he's "The Creative Liaison".

Lois Dunn

Bio coming soon.

M.J. Albacete

M. J. Albacete has been a museum administrator, arts scholar, music reviewer, educator, writer, photographer, and presenter of public programs on a host of historical and cultural topics.

Nikolina Karovski

Nikolina is the Mid-Day Diva and Program Director at Q92. Nikolina is a well-known On-Air Personality because she is a local, born and raised in N. Canton! Nikolina is highly active in the community, volunteering and serving on The Board of The Stark County Humane Society and The Canton Museum of Art, as a member of the Canton Girl Gang which lifts and supports local business women, and now as a proud Ambassador for the Canton Symphony! Nikolina is always hosting/emceeing benefits for local charities. You can listen to “The Mid-Day Diva” on 92.5 FM from 10am-2pm.

Jarrod Hartzler

Jarrod Hartzler has served as the Executive Director of the Ohio Alliance for Arts Education since September, 2019. Prior to that position he was the Executive and Artistic Director of Tuesday Musical Association in Akron Ohio. He has coordinated community arts and education programs and worked to establish partnerships with schools and other arts and community organizations all around the state of Ohio.

Eric Smer

Bio & photo coming soon.

Elizabeth Eynon

Bio & photo coming soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who would be a good person for me to bring to a concert?

The purpose of this program is to introduce new people to the Symphony who either may:
      1. Not have heard of us before.
      2. Have heard of us but have not quite been convinced enough to attend yet.
      3. Be generally interested in music, art, and live performance in some way.

What if I need more tickets?

Now that we have a Guest Submission Portal, all you need to do is click the button above or this link. If you would rather reserve your guest’s tickets over the phone, call our box office at 330-452-2094 and mention that you are an ambassador. We will want to ensure that you are sitting with your guests. You are welcome to reserve as many tickets as you like for the purposes of this program, provided that they are ultimately used.

What if I am unable to attend and/or give away my tickets?

While we would appreciate that you attend each concert, we understand that you may not be able to make them all. If you are not able to attend, please give your ticket to someone who will use it and let our box office know so we know not to expect you.

What if I know someone who I think would be a good ambassador?

Please send them our way! You can direct them to this page to apply or you can have them call Nathan.

How will people know I am an Ambassador of the Symphony? Will I be recognized?

Yes! This page will eventually display the names, headshots, and affiliations of each ambassador. We will also designate a section of our program to include a list of ambassadors. If you do not wish to be displayed publicly, let us know. In addition, we have ordered name tags that display “CSO Ambassador” on them to be worn when volunteering or attending a concert. These can be picked up with your tickets at the box office.

How else can I make a difference at Canton Symphony Orchestra?

We would highly suggest following us on social media and signing up for our e-blasts if you have not already. Sharing our posts, forwarding emails, and informing your friends/colleagues of our events is exponentially helpful to us.

How will I remain informed?

You may reach out to Nathan at any time if you have any questions. You should already have his cell phone number, but if not, feel free to call the box office during business hours and ask for him. In addition, we will typically reach out the week of each concert to check in with you.

What if I no longer wish to be an ambassador?

We very much understand that you each have our own lives, responsibilities, and commitments. If at any time you no longer wish to be an ambassador, simply let Nathan know.