Youth Strings Musician’s exhibit:
Audition includes:
Auditions includes:
CYSAO Musician’s exhibit:
Percussionists must also prepare two solo pieces for their audition. One of their solo pieces must be a mallet piece (marimba or xylophone), and the other piece must be for snare drum or timpani.
Click your instrument below to download the music and find musical reference for your audition.
Percussionists will prepare the following orchestral excerpts and then choose two solo prepared pieces for their audition. One of their solo pieces must be a mallet piece (marimba or xylophone), and the other piece must be for snare drum or timpani.
CYS Musician’s exhibit:
Percussionists will prepare the following orchestral excerpts and then choose two solo prepared pieces for their audition. One of their solo pieces must be for snare drum.